The Weather Channel
I like the Weather Channel Website because it has good surface maps that can be seen on the regional scale. This is probably my most favorite site for checking the weather, its quick and easy and gives a good forcast and current conditions.
Accuweather is another great website for just quick checking of the weather. It provides lots of information reguarding current conditions. Accuweather also provides very good news articles about weather all around the country.
National Weather Service
The National Weather service site has great surface maps and does well at explaining what is happening across the nation. This website also has great satellite imagery which helps in seeing where the water vapor is and how that is impacting national weather, or to see which way it is moving to predict what may happen next.
Intellicast has great interactive maps where you can change what information is shown whether its windspeed, temperature, etc. Very easy website to navigate as well as it has some very good news articles on current weather.