First off I would like to apologize for not having data for the month of April in these charts.  The rooftop data archive would take me to May when I tried to get April.  The trends can be seen that the temperature tends to stay roughly in the same range day after day.  There are no very large outlying temperatures on the high or low side.  January recorded the lowest temperature at -18* F. March was the month with the highest day to day temperature fluctuations.  While February had the greatest temeperature range from an entire month being almost 60*.




For the month of January the majority of the wind came from the west to northwest which possibly explains why that was the coldest month.  For February the winds mainly came from west to southwest direction. March the wind came evenly from the west and east directions which could explain why march had some very goofy weather.  In May so far the majority of the winds have come from ESE to SE which could explain all of the precipitation that we have had this month so far.  


It is important to look at data from different locations around a region because you can tell if the climate truely is changing because it is a regional measure.  When looking at the climographs you can see that all of the cities above have roughly the same precipitation levels.  The cities tend to stay warmer the farther south you move from eau claire and colder to the north,

Geographic Location is a big influence on climate.  The cities of Milwaukee and Superior are located next to large bodies of water, which means they are going to have a smaller temperature range.  Eau Claire, Wausau, and Minneapolis are all located pretty much inland meaning they have higher temperature ranges.   La Crosse is on the Mississippi river which could be why it has slightly smaller temperature ranges because of Lake Onalaska could have some influence on the local climate of La Crosse.